Ladies and Gentlemen of Cople,
After a missing a year, the annual Rounders Competition between Cople and Cardington for the “Bashes” trophy, will take place on Cople Playing field near the Sports and Social Club on:
Friday 27th August 2021 @ 18:30
The Sports and Social Club bar will open at 18:00, to take advantage of the athletes need to re-hydrate.
We need volunteers to take part in the team for which entry or participation, will be £5. All ages are welcome, especially those who are fleet of foot and have good hand-eye coordination.
Two years ago Cople thrashed Cardington, much to their disgust. The fact that Cople provided the umpire had nothing whatsoever to do with it. But in the spirit of fair play, Cardington will be supplying the umpire this year – it will of course make no difference to the result at all!
We will also be running a cake stall, which is of course the food of choice of rounders players. So if you fancy your hand at baking and wish to donate a cake please do so, bringing it on the evening or dropping off to me before the day. (7 Woodlands Close).
Funds raised will be split between the Friends of Cople Church and Friends of Cardington Church.
So please come along and take part or support, eat cake and drink.