No. 74 Bus Change
Number 74 Bus Route (from the Cople News, Jan 2017) Stagecoach in Bedford have decided to cease operation of bus service 74 from December 2016. Grant Palmer Ltd is stepping in to provide a replacement service, commencing 3 January 2017. The new service will run to the same timetable, although buses after ...
Bin Collection Day
Update 03/11/16: The council have now delivered letters (at more cost to the rate payer) to tell us that they have changed their minds and all of Cople bins will have the same collection day: Monday. Thus the section of Cople that was to have bins collected on Fridays will ...
White Squirrel
Touched By A Presence – Help Wanted
Ella Jo Street, a novelist, is writing a new, fictional story but based around John Street, a man connected with Cople, who died in 1865. Ella is researching his history and would love to hear from anyone who might be able to throw some historic light on events in this locality around ...

Green Initiative
Cople Parish Green Infrastructure Plan You are invited to help create this plan at a Stakeholder Workshop Wednesday 20th July 2016 7.30-9.30pm at Cople Village Hall Green Infrastructure (GI) Plans identify proposed enhancements for an area’s public access, wildlife, heritage and landscape. Strategic, large scale GI Plans exist for Bedfordshire as a whole but little ...

Aladdin 2015
The amazingly successful 2015 Cople Pantomime of Aladdin led by Julia Moore and Miles Tetley has, as always, received some astonishing press reviews. Miles has compiled just a few of these here Plus the nominees and the winner of the Eric Morecambe Award for Oration are here Finally the photographs ...

Cople Parish Council Website
Cople Parish Council now have their own web site. This will now contain full details of the council and their documents which includes the Neighbourhod Plan for Cople(under the NEWS & INFORMATION section) and Parish Council Meeting minutes (under the FILES section) ...

Ctl + Rpt + Del Cybercrime
Bedfordshire Police are urging residents and businesses to be be aware of, and not fall victim, to Cybercrime “We have called our campaign [Ctrl] +[Rpt] +[Del] because we want people to take control of the information and images they put online to protect themselves from scams, phishing and harassment; report ...

Wheels in Motion
Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity (BRCC) is providing new transport facilities in Bedford Borough to help over 65s and those with a disability to travel and meet social, recreational or other engagements. More details from, call Amy Baker on 01234 345558 or email [email protected] Download details from here (PDF) ...

Chimney Sweeps
The Cople web site receives a lot of junk e-mail shots asking me to give them a free mention of their wonderful product. Most go straight into the bin. But I have just had one that makes a little sense and told me things I did not know. There is ...
For news items prior to March 1st 2016 the posting dates may not be exact.